Pen-Mar Trap league
Oxford Gun Club 880 Chrome Road, Oxford, PA, United StatesShooting begins at 10:00 AM 25/16 yard targets and 25 handicap (shoot committee determines beginning yardages) Anyone who would like to shoot practice and not compete in the league may do so The kitchen will be open for breakfast and lunch
Pen-Mar Trap League
Oxford Gun Club 880 Chrome Road, Oxford, PA, United StatesShooting begins at 10:00 AM 25/16 yard targets and 25 handicap (shoot committee determines beginning yardages) Anyone who would like to shoot practice and not compete in the league may do so The kitchen will be open for breakfast and lunch
Pen-Mar Trap League
Oxford Gun Club 880 Chrome Road, Oxford, PA, United StatesShooting begins at 10:00 AM 25/16 yard targets and 25 handicap (shoot committee determines beginning yardages) Anyone who would like to shoot practice and not compete in the league may do so The kitchen will be open for breakfast and lunch
Pen-Mar Trap League
Oxford Gun Club 880 Chrome Road, Oxford, PA, United StatesShooting begins at 10:00 AM 25/16 yard targets and 25 handicap (shoot committee determines beginning yardages) Anyone who would like to shoot practice and not compete in the league may do so The kitchen will be open for breakfast and lunch
Big Meat Shrimp Trap Shoot 10:00 AM
Oxford Gun Club 880 Chrome Road, Oxford, PA, United States50 Target Prize Events $18 entry fee 10 AM Start Practice trap opens at 9:30
Skeet/Wobble 4:00 PM
Practice skeet and wobble trap shooting on two lighted skeet fields and one wobble trap platform. Every Wednesday from 4 PM to 9 PM Last sign up at 8:30PM Member $6 Nonmember $8 per round.
Trap Shooting
Practice trap shooting every Thursday from 4 PM to 10 PM. Member $6, Nonmember $8 per round of 25 targets Meat shoots every Thursday from 4 PM to 10 PM. Member $7, Nonmember $9 per round of 25 targets.
Pen-Mar Trap League Snow Makeup Date
Oxford Gun Club 880 Chrome Road, Oxford, PA, United StatesIf Needed for snow makeup Shooting begins at 10:00 AM 25/16 yard targets and 25 handicap (shoot committee determines beginning yardages) Anyone who would like to shoot practice and not compete in the league may do so The kitchen will be open for breakfast and lunch
Practice skeet and wobble trap shooting on two lighted skeet fields and one wobble trap platform. Every Wednesday from 4 PM to 9 PM Last sign up at 8:30PM Member/Junior $6 Nonmember $8 per round.