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** Everyone participating in an Oxford Gun Club shooting sport must have completed and signed a valid Oxford Gun Club Waiver and Release Agreement. Those under 18 must have it signed/completed by their parent, legal guardian, or someone with power of attorney.**
Sporting Clays
Oxford Gun Club 880 Chrome Road, Oxford, PA, United States8:30 sign-up 9:00 start Last sign-up – Noon
Big Meat Trap Shoot
Oxford Gun Club 880 Chrome Road, Oxford, PA, United States9:00 AM sign-up/10:00 AM start $20/50 targets Practice trap will be open for anyone not wishing to enter the competition.
General Meeting – MEMBERS ONLY
Oxford Gun Club 880 Chrome Road, Oxford, PA, United StatesELECTION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS
Sporting Clays
8:30 sign-up 9:00 start Last sign-up – Noon
Big Meat Trap Shoot
Oxford Gun Club 880 Chrome Road, Oxford, PA, United States9:00 AM sign-up/10:00 AM start $20/50 targets Practice trap will be open for anyone not wishing to enter the competition.
Oxford Gun Club 880 Chrome Road, Oxford, PA, United StatesSporting Clays – UD Intercollegiate Event
Oxford Gun Club 880 Chrome Road, Oxford, PA, United StatesEvent competitors being at 8:00 AM Regular shooters can begin at 10:00 Am Thank you for your cooperation.
Oxford Gun Club 880 Chrome Road, Oxford, PA, United StatesPractice skeet and wobble trap shooting on two lighted skeet fields and one wobble trap platform. Every Wednesday from 4 PM to 9 PM Last sign-up at 8:30 PM